Bijou Nicole - Bijou KiT Ver.

Bijou Nicole



1. Components


Album Package (110*110*30)

Air KiT (60*60)

Square Card : 1ea (95*95)

Photo Card : 1ea (54*86)





2. Album Information


Artist : Bijou Nicole

Type of Media : KiT

Release Date : 2024-07-18 15:00:00

Production Company : MUZLIVE Inc.

Weight : 170g





3. Album Introduction


From TLC to heartache Bijou has experienced all.





4. Track List


- Heartache Melody

the pain of heartbreak.

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Burns So Bright (feat. Bobbi Stearsmart)

love between two people.

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Heartbreak Hotel

walked away no goodbyes...

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Keep It Real

You have to keep it real!

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Falling Tears

dreams fade away at night...

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Broken Trust

you were my shining star...

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Time Machine

take me back to yesterday...

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Jealous Eyes

your jealous eyes watch me rise...

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by

- Falling Deeper

late at night...

Composed & Arranged by Roosevelt Wooden
Lyrics by